FAQs, Fruit

Storing Fruits and Vegetables: Unveiling the Secrets of Ripeness


by Shari


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Hey there! This is for you. Yes, you.

Whether you’re eating meat, vegetables, fruit, or beans, this concise, handy guide will set you up for life!

Incorporating a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet is crucial for obtaining essential nutrients and staying healthy in an unhealthy world.

Recognizing the signs of ripeness is an invaluable skill that will ensure you savor your produce at its peak.

My Experience

Once I focused my diet on eating an abundance of living foods and high-quality ripe fruit, learning about the massive variety of fruits and vegetables became an absolute joy. And once I knew how to properly pick and store my produce, a whole new world opened up to me. That’s about to happen to you!

Why You Want to Know About Climacteric and Non-Climacteric Fruits

Citrus fruits

Climacteric and non-climacteric fruits refer to two categories of the ripening process. Climacteric fruits can ripen after they’re picked, and Non-Climacteric fruits cannot.

Knowing the difference will help you on your healthy journey, especially when choosing the fruit you purchase and storing it when you get home.

For example, tomatoes will ripen after they’re picked, but citrus will not. We go into more detail in our eBook (coming soon), but for now, just know that you can Google your favorite fruits as you buy them to see if they will ripen once picked.

Fruits and Vegetables

Now for the fun stuff!

These tips apply to almost anything in a typical grocery store or Farmer’s Market.

If you decide to try tropical fruits (which I highly recommend!) and have a question on ripeness or storage, you can contact me, and I’ll be sure to get you an answer.


Properly storing fruits is essential to maintain their freshness, flavor, and nutritional value.

Temperature Matters

Most fruits prefer cool environments with a temperature range between 32°F to 55°F (0°C to 13°C).


Some fruits, such as bananas and pineapples, are more sensitive to cold temperatures and should be kept at room temperature.

Ethylene Sensitivity

Ethylene is a natural plant hormone that accelerates ripening.

Fruits like apples, avocados, and bananas emit higher levels of ethylene and can speed up the ripening process of other fruits nearby.

Store ethylene-sensitive fruits like berries, citrus fruits, and melons away from ethylene producers to prevent premature ripening.


It’s best to store fruits separately from vegetables, as fruits release more ethylene, which can negatively affect vegetables’ shelf life.


Proper air circulation helps prevent the accumulation of moisture, which can lead to mold growth. Place fruits in breathable containers or perforated bags to allow air to circulate.


Vegetables are nutritional powerhouses and require specific storage conditions to preserve their taste and nutritional content.

Moisture Management

Most vegetables prefer high humidity levels to prevent wilting. To maintain humidity, store vegetables in perforated plastic bags, reusable cloth produce bags, or loosely wrapped in damp paper towels.

Leafy Green Vegetables

Some prefer to use the Debbie Meyer produce Tupperware or green bags on Amazon.


Some vegetables, like onions and garlic, emit strong odors that other vegetables can absorb.

Keep them separate to avoid flavor cross-contamination.

Temperature Control

While most vegetables thrive in cool temperatures (32°F to 50°F or 0°C to 10°C), some are more sensitive to cold. Store delicate vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers at room temperature for optimal flavor and texture.

Leafy Greens

For leafy greens such as lettuce, spinach, and kale, remove any rubber bands or ties, wash them thoroughly, pat dry, and store them in airtight containers or sealed plastic bags.

Remember to place a dry paper towel inside to absorb excess moisture and extend their shelf life.


Determining the perfect moment to enjoy your fruits can be challenging, but these tips will help you make your healthy lifestyle easier.

Shari with Durian
Shari Likes Durian!

Color and Texture

Observe the fruit’s color and texture. Ripe fruits generally exhibit vibrant and consistent hues. Additionally, they should yield slightly to gentle pressure without being too soft or mushy.


A fragrant aroma emanating from the fruit is often a sign of ripeness. Grab the fruit and take a whiff. If it smells like the fruit you’re holding, that’s a good sign.


Some fruits, like watermelons, produce a dull sound when ripe. Tap the fruit gently and listen for a deep, hollow sound.

Taste Test

When in doubt, taste a small sample of the fruit. Trust your taste buds, as they will provide the most accurate assessment of ripeness. If it’s pleasantly sweet and juicy, it’s likely ripe and ready to enjoy.

Commit these nuggets of wisdom to memory, and it’s better than having a superpower!


Storing fruits and vegetables properly and identifying their ripeness are necessary skills for any healthy human. You’ll extend the lifespan of your produce, minimize waste, and savor the flavors of perfectly ripe fruits and vegetables.

Remember to store fruits and vegetables in appropriate temperature conditions, considering ethylene sensitivity and proper ventilation.

Keep fruits and vegetables separate, especially those with strong odors.

Pay attention to moisture levels and use perforated bags, reusable and ventilated cloth produce bags, or damp paper towels to maintain humidity for vegetables.

For leafy greens, remove ties, wash them, and store them in airtight containers with a dry paper towel.

When identifying ripeness, consider color, texture, aroma, and the fruit’s response to gentle
pressure. Use your sense of smell and listen for the right sound. And when in doubt, trust your taste buds to confirm the perfect moment to indulge in your favorite fruits.


Buying as closely to the time it was picked is ideal.

Buy what’s in season – e.g., buy watermelon in the summer and persimmons in the winter!


Eating more living foods will help you heal ailments, improve elimination, hydrate your skin, and make you happier!

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About Shari

Shari Likes Fruit is all about making fruit and vegetables enjoyable, loving animals, and cherishing the joy within all of us.

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